University of Waterloo - Institute for Social Innovation and Resiliance
One year fulltime postdoctoral fellowship: $50,000 annual salary, office and administrative support provided
Supervision by Frances Westley, McConnell Chair in Social Innovation, and Dan McCarthy, Director of the Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience (WISIR)
The University of Waterloo's Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience (WISIR) is offering a postdoctoral fellowship to start August 1, 2016 for one year. WISIR was founded as part of a national initiative funded by the J.W McConnell Family Foundation and is designed to build capacity for broad system change in Canada.
Currently, four specific areas of interest and commitment concerning WISIR are:
- The challenges of indigenous innovation and engagement
- Capacity building in the social profit sector - particularly the development of the skills and mindsets required for addressing increasingly complex social-ecological problems
- The integration of art and science in stimulating innovative and breakthrough approaches to linked social-ecological systems
- General theory of transformation and social innovation in linked social-ecological systems, with particular emphasis on historical cases
Qualified candidates must have a PhD (completed within the last five years), be familiar with complexity theory, social innovation theory and social-ecological transformation processes including such approaches as the Multi-Level Transition theories, and resilience theory approaches to adaptation and transformation. A strong research background and sound methodological training is a must. An ideal candidate will be interested in joining problem solving teams in writing proposals for research funding, leading teams researching social innovation, and collaborating on research articles for publication.
Review of applications will begin on July 11, 2016 and will continue until the position is filled. The position will start August 1, 2016
Please send curriculum vitae, one research paper and, two letters of reference with the subject line "Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Social Innovation" to: Nina Ripley, Office Coordinator at