
Post-doc: Bioenergy

Michigan Technological University / NSF PIRE Supported Post-Doctoral Position in Bioenergy Development and Sustainability

Position Summary: The Department of Social Sciences at Michigan Technological University invites applications for a one-and-a-half year Post–Doctoral Fellowship, beginning on or about January 1, 2017, focused on the socioecological impacts of sustainable bioenergy development across the Americas. The position is funded through the ongoing National Science Foundation Partnerships in International Research and Education (NSF PIRE) grant Sustainability, Ecosystem Services, and Forest-related Bioenergy Development across the Americas. The five year PIRE grant is structured on an interdisciplinary framework that brings together an international team of social, natural, and engineering scientists to examine the socioecological impacts of forest-related bioenergy projects across the Americas and uses policy and sustainability metrics analysis to recommend strategies for increasing bioenergy benefits and minimizing negative impacts.

Project researchers representing the Socioeconomic and Policy teams have collected qualitative and quantitative data related to the perceptions, impacts, and policy dimensions of sustainable biofuel development programs in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and the USA. We now seek a post-doctoral researcher who can contribute to the analysis and synthesis of this material across the varied socioeconomic contexts of the five country projects, as well as work with natural and engineering scientists to more fully understand the broader hemispherical and global implications of sustainable bioenergy production in the Americas. The post-doctoral researcher will work directly with Drs. Sam Sweitz and Kathleen Halvorsen to further the goals of the PIRE project, including data analysis and manuscript preparation (see responsibilities, required/preferred qualifications, and application requirements below). Please see the following for more information on the project: http://www.mtu.edu/forest/research/partnerships/pire/

Review of applications will begin on October 31, 2016 and will continue until the position is filled. The one-and-a-half year position includes a competitive salary of $47,500.00 per year, and includes full benefits and health insurance. All application materials should be sent to Dr. Sam Sweitz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with the subject line PIRE Post-Doctoral Position. Please request that letters of recommendation be sent directly to Dr. Sweitz under the same subject line.

Post-Doctoral Responsibilities Include:

- Analysis and synthesis of collected qualitative and quantitative data;

- Working with national and international researchers from across the social, natural and engineering sciences on dimensions of sustainable bioenergy development;

- Preparation of multiple country and cross-country comparison manuscripts, as well as interdisciplinary manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication;

- Preparation and delivery of project findings at national and international conferences.

- Assistance to the project director in team management activities.

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