In addition to the "essential" development studies books, some other interesting books include (organized chronologically):
On the Genealogy of Morality (1887) Nietzsche
Growing up in New Guinea (1930) Mead
Black Skin, While Masks (1952) Fanon
The Fire Next Time (1962) Baldwin
Arabia Felix (1964) Hansen
Stokely Speaks (1965) Kwame Ture
State and Land in Ethiopian History (1966) Pankhurst
Ethico-Religious Concepts in the Qur'an (1966) Izutsu
Teaching as Subversive Activity (1969) Postman and Weingartner
The Liberation of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde (1969) Davidson
Xala (1974) Ousmane
The Green Book (1975) Gaddafi
Resistance and Decolonization (1977) Cabral
I Write What I Like (1978) Steve Biko
Tanzania: A Political Economy (1982) Coulson
Stranglehold on Africa (1983) Dumont and Mottin
The Intimate Enemy (1983) Nandy
Rural Vulnerability fo Famine in Ethiopia (1986) Wolde Mariam
The Myth of Arab Piracy in the Gulf (1986) Al Qasimi
Introducing Liberation Theology (1986) Boff and Boff
Adjustment with a Human Face (1987) Cornia, Jolly and Steward
Domination and The Arts of Resistance (1990) Scott
King of the Castle (1990) Eaton
How Can Man Die Better (1990) Pogrund
A History of Modern Ethiopia (1991) Bahru Zewde
Unthinking Social Science (1991) Wallerstein
From Dictatorship to Democracy (1993) Sharp
We Have Never Been Modern (1993) Latour
Somali Poetry (1993) Andrzejewski
Fictions of Feminist Ethnography (1994) Visweswaran
The Idea of Africa (1994) Mudimbe
People of the Plow (1995) McCann
Democracy and Development in Africa (1995) Ake
Civil Society: Challenging Western Models (1996) Hann & Dunn
Slaves into Workers (1996) Sikainga
Only the Paranoid Survive (1996) Grove
The Lie of the Land (1996) Leach and Mearns
The Art of the Impossible (1997) Havel
The Seed is Mine (1997) Onselen
Capitalism in the Age of Globalization (1997) Amin
The Power of Babel (1998) Mazrui and Mazrui
Civil Society and the Aid Industry (1998) Van Rooy
Classifications of Knowledge (1998) Bakar
Men in the Sun (1999) Kanafani
The Dignity of Man (1999) Kamali
Fiqh of Zakah (1999) Al Qaradawi
Nonviolent Social Movements (1999) Zunes, Kurtz and Asher
Civil Wars in Africa (1999) Ali and Matthews
Empire (2000) Hardt and Negri
Poverty and Charity in Medieval Islam (2000) Sabra
Home and Exile (2000) Achebe
Confronting Empire (2000) Ahmad
Colonial Effects (2001) Massad
Prolegomena to the Metaphysics of Islam (2001) Al Attas
Human Rights (2002) Makua
Regarding the Pain of Others (2003) Sontag
Formations of the Secular (2003) Asad
World-systems Analysis (2004) Wallerstein
Precarious Life (2004) Butler
Postcolonial Melancholia (2004) Gilroy
Good Muslim, Bad Muslim (2004) Mamdani
The World Bank and Struggles for Social Justice in the Age of Globalization (2005) Goldman
Polio: An American Story (2005) Oshinsky
Imperialism, Sovereignty and the Making of International Law (2005) Anghie
Equity and Fairness in Islam (2005) Kamali
The Collapse of Globalism (2005) Saul
A Radical History of Development Studies (2005) Kothari
How Trade Can Promote Development (2005) Stiglitz and Charlton
Medical Apartheid (2006) Washington
The Ghost Map (2006) Johnson
God's Unruly Friends (2006) Karamustafa
The Siege of Mecca (2007) Trofimov
Telling About Society (2007) Becker
Bad Samaritans (2007) Chang
Ho Chi Minh (2007) Bello
Everyday Politics of the World Economy (2007) Hobson and Seabrooke
Hunting Causes and Using Them (2007) Cartwright
Decent into Chaos (2008) Rashid
Travesty in Haiti (2008) Schwartz
Charity in Islamic Societies (2008) Singer
Indigenous Methodologies (2009) Kovach
Field Notes on Democracy (2009) Roy
The Fourth Political Theory (2009) Dugin
Indigenous Pathways of Action and Freedom (2009) Taiaiake
An African Renaissance (2009) Ngugi wa Thiong'o
Life After Violence: A People's Story of Burundi (2009) Uvin
The Politics of Military and Humanitarian Interventions (2010) Fassin & Pandolfi
The Power of Positive Deviance (2010) Pascale, Sternin and Sternin
Citizen Action and National Policy Reform (2010) Gaventa & McGee
Thomas Pogge and His Critics (2010) Jaggar
Frames of War (2010) Butler
Adventures in Aidland (2011) Mosse (Ed)
Selected Works (2011) Ho Chi Minh
Steve Biko (2011) Wilson
Philosophy and African Development (2011) Keita
Ending the Crisis of Capitalism (2011) Amin
Readings in Methodology (2011) Ouedraogo and Cardoso
The Politics of Ethnicity in Ethiopia (2011) Aalen
Why Civil Resistance Works (2011) Chenoweth and Stephan
Dancing in the Glory of Monsters (2011) Stearns
Yemen and the Politics of Permanent Crisis (2011) Phillips
Labor and Legality (2011) Gomberg-Munoz
Pox: An American History (2011) Willrich
How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future (2011) Goldin, Cameron and Balarajan
Seasonality, Rural Livelihoods and Development (2012) Devereux, Sabates-Wheeler and Longhurst
Interventions (2012) Kofi Annan
Define and Rule (2012) Mamdani
Re-defining Food Security for the 21st Century (2012) Gibson
Q-Squared (2013) Shaffer
Small State, Big Politics (2013) Kamrava
Claim No Easy Victories (2013) Manji and Fletcher
Nasser (2013) Nasser
Global Social Policy in the Making (2013) Deacon
Education in Afghanistan (2013) Baiza
Empire, Global Coloniality and African Subjectivity (2013) Ndlovu-Gatesheni
The Battle for Afghanistan (2013) Dalrymple
Thomas Sankara (2014) Harsch
Toxic Aid (2014) Edwards
What Is An American Muslim? (2014) An-Na'im
Critical Theory and the Critique of Political Economy (2014) Bonefeld
Zero to One (2014) Thiel
Debtfare States and the Poverty Industry (2014) Soederberg
Chris Hani (2014) MacMillan
Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat (2014) Charles River
Organizing Women Workers in the Informal Economy (2013) Kabeer, Sudarshan and Milward
American, the Taliban, and the War through Afghan Eyes (2014) Gopal
The Quest for Socialist Utopia (2014) Bahru
American Slavery & Capitalism (2014) Baptist
Patrice Lamumba (2014) Nzongola-Ntalaja
Islamic Education, Embodied Knowledge and History in West Africa (2014) Ware
Capitalism vs the Climate (2014) Klein (and How Change Happens)
Anatomy of Giving (2015) Dwyer
Arab Development Denied (2015) Kadri
Team of Teams (2015) McChrystal
The Silk Roads (2015) Frankopan
Death in the Congo (2015) Gerard and Kuklick
Blueprint for Revolution (2015) Popovic
There is No Such Thing as a Free Gift (2015) McGoey
Blinded by Humanity (2015) Barber
Human Rights and the Food Sovereignty Movement (2015) Claeys
Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few (2015) Reich
Sustainable Livelihoods and Rural Development (2015) Scoones
Between the World and Me (2015) Coates
Can Non-Europeans Think? (2015) Dabashi
Originals: How Non-conformists Move the World (2016) Grant
Two Arabs, A Berber and a Jew (2016) Rosen
Nobody (2016) Hill
The Global Majlis (2016) Al-Kawari
Ken Saro-Wiwa (2016) Doron and Falola
Secure the Base (2016) Ngugi wa Thiong'o
Ebola: How a People's Science Helped End an Epidemic (2016) Richards
Lessons Learned from Canada's War in Afghanistan (2016) Saideman
Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals (2016) Cimadamore, Koehler and Pogge
How Philanthropy Fails to Alleviate Poverty (2016) Kohl-Arenas
Innovation and its Enemies (2016) Juma
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (2016) Scully
May Our People Triumph (2016) Lumumba
The World's Emergency Room (2016) VanRooyen
Who Really Feeds the World? (2016) Shiva
Rules for Revolutionaries (2016) Bond and Exley
The Self-Help Myth (2016) Kohl-Arenas
The Politics of Development in Morocco (2017) Bergh
How One Small Town Banned Pesticides (2017) Ackerman-Leist
Radical Transformative Leadership (2017) Sharma
Agroecology (2017) Rosset and Altieri
Shariah Law Q&A (2017) Kamali
The Qur'an and the Just Society (2017) Harvey
The Development Dance (2017) Swedlund
The Horn of Africa (2017) Clapham
Ali Shariati and the Future of Social Theory (2017) Byrd and Miri
Why Don't the Poor Rise Up? (2017) Truscello and Nangwaya
Drawdown (2017) Hawken
Against Colonization and Rural Resistance (2017) Kapoor
A Socialist Peace? (2017) McGovern
The Doha Experiment (2017) Wasserman
The Untold Story of a Medical Disaster in Colonial Africa (2017) Lachenal
War in 140 Characters (2017) Patrikarakos
Collapse of a Country (2017) Coghlan
Julius Nyerere (2017) Bjerk
Revolution and Authoritarianism in North Africa (2017) Volpi
Making Sense of the Syrian Revolution (2017) Saleh
No Is Not Enough (2017) Klein
Redefining Success (2017) Hoang et al
Democracy in Chains (2017) MacLean
Children and Environmental Toxins (2018) Landriagan and Landriagan
Navigation by Judgment (2018) Honig
21 Lessons for the 21st Century (2018) Harari
Land, Landlessness and Poverty in Ethiopia (2018) Rahmato
Measuring Tomorrow (2018) Laurent
Globalists (2018) Slobodian
Shaykh Ahmadou Bamba (2018) Kimball
The Tyranny of Metrics (2018) Muller
Critical Development Studies (2018) Veltmeyer and Wise
The Gulf Crisis (2018) Miller
Decolonising the University (2018) Bhambra, Gebrial and Nisancioglu
How Democracies Die (2018) Levitsky and Ziblatt
Mass Starvation (2018) De Waal
The Postcolonial African State in Transition (2018) Niang
Who Are You and Why Are You Here? (2018) Claessens
Participatory Development Practice (2018) Kelly and Westoby
Factfulness (2018) Rosling
The Lies that Bind (2018) Appiah
Getting to Zero (2018) Walsh and Johnson
Secular Translations (2018) Asad
Cooking Data (2018) Biruk
Amilcar Cabral (2019) Mendy
Food Aid in Sudan (2018) Jaspars
Dissident Knowledge in Higher Education (2018) Spooner and McNinch
The Perfect Nine (2018) Ngugi
Knowledge and Global Power (2019) Collyer, Connell, Maia and Morrell
People, Power, and Profits (2019) Stiglitz
Lomathinda (2019) Lipenga
Warriors in a Time of Sacrifice (2019) Sandoval
The Triumph of Injustice (2019) Saez and Zucman
Worldmaking after Empire (2019) Adom
Measuring What Counts (2019) Stiglitz, Fitoussi and Durand
Globalisation and Seed Sovereignty (2019) Walshe
Poisoner in Chief (2019) Kinzer
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism (2019) Zuboff
Evaluation Landscape in Africa (2019) Mapitsa, Tirivanhu and Pophiwa
Who Owns the Problem? (2020) Adesanmi
The Art of Emergency (2020) Ndaliko and Andreson
Rural Democracy (2020) Harding
Fields of Gold (2020) Fairbairn
How Innovation Works (2020) Ridley
Beginning with Heidegger (2020) Millerman
Imagining Afghanistan (2020) Manchanda
Mozambique's Samora Machel (2020) Isaacman and Isaacman
The Asian Aspiration (2020) Mills et al
Know the Beginning Well (2020) Amoako
Social Dictatorships (2020) Eibl
Changing Qatar (2020) Harkness
Another Now (2020) Varoufakis
Ebola and the Ravages of History (2020) Farmer
Ethiopia in the Wake of Political Reform (2020) Desta, Dori, Mihrertu
The Data Detective (2021) Harford
The Power of Geography (2021) Marshall
Kwame Nkrumah (2021) Ahlman
The World for Sale (2021) Blas & Farchy
The Life of a Reluctant Nationalist (2021) Tomas
The Afghanistan File (2021) Turki Al Faisal
The Idea of Development in Africa (2021) Decker & McMahon
The Theory of a Multipolar World (2021) Dugin
The Great Awakening (2021) Dugin
The Gun, the Ship, and the Pen (2021) Colley
The New Age of Empire (2021) Andrews
Decolonizing Politics (2021) Shilliam
The Future of Africa (2021) Cilliers
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster (2021) Gates
The Economic Weapon (2022) Mulder
Gambling on Development (2022) Dercon
Against Decolonization (2022) Taiwo
Edible Economics (2022) Chang
Cobalt Red (2022) Kara
Price War$ (2022) Russell
When McKinsey Comes to Town (2022) Bogdanich & Forsythe
Political Power and Environmental Sustainability in Gulf Monarchies (2022) Zumbraegel
Power in the Age of AI (2023) Scharre
End Times (2023) Turchin
Power and Progress (2023) Acemoglu & Johnson
Nationalisation and Labour Market Policies in Saudi Arabia (2023) Al Fozan
Explaining Success in Africa (2023) Hern
New Military Strategies in the Gulf (2023) Samaan
How Big Things Get Done (2023) Flyvbjerg & Gardner
The Fourth Turning is Here (2023) Howe
Invention and Innovation (2023) Smil
Age of Revolutions (2024) Zakaria
Governing After War (2024) Liu
Teaching Interculturally in Qatar (2025) Abdul-Jabbar